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As the founder and Chief Executive Officer of EZMetrics, a global digital marketing agency who has represented some of the world’s most foremost public professionals, speakers, and influencers such as Ziglar, Inc., Les Brown Enterprises, as well as several small businesses and non-profit organizations, Jacob has helped generate over 1,000,000 leads and prides himself on helping businesses grow and monetize their presence online. 

Jacob has an uncanny ability to bridge the gap between high-tech and high touch so that businesses can embrace technology to gain trust in the marketplace without spending a fortune in the process. Jacob is a follower of Jesus, a devoted husband, a dedicated father, and a passionate serial entrepreneur who has built his business on six foundational building blocks including faith, love, loyalty, character, honesty, and integrity. Along his journey, Jacob has learned what it takes to be happy, healthy, prosperous, and secure. It’s given him better friendships, peace of mind, and hope for a better future. 
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